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Global Hope for Children, a registered non-profit 501 c3 organization, was created in the state of Florida in the US, to financially support Hope Foundation in Cambodia. Our work in the US consists of raising funds to support the Hope Foundation team and help at risk children associated with this ministry. The ministry is based on the 4 pillars described below. Keep scrolling to understand the work performed by the Hope Foundation team in the field.
All donations go directly to Hope Foundation in Cambodia. Donations help with basic needs such as food, clothes, medical needs, education, rent, etc., and special projects such as beds/mattresses, school supplies, building infrastructure, etc.
Global Hope for Children and Hope Foundation believe that this ministry is not just our work but Jesus’. Prayer is how doors are open and it is what keeps this ministry going. Prayer will always be the foundation of this ministry and how we raise our support.
Once per year, representatives of Global Hope for Children, in collaboration with US churches, plan a visit to Cambodia. Our team of volunteers spend time planning the trip, raising funds, and once there, we spend time interacting with the children, teaching them English and playing games with the kids. Hope foundation is open year around to receive visitors interested in knowing more about the ministry.
A key part of the Global Hope for Children work is to bring awareness to the general public in the US, of the amazing and loving work Hope Foundation is doing in Cambodia. Global Hope for Children also provides the necessary specialized work needed for the organization such as accounting, bookkeeping, legal counseling, etc.
Hope Foundation’s main purpose is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ through ministering to the spiritual, physical, medical, psychological and education needs of orphans and minor children in Cambodia. That’s why we exist. See in more details the loving working being done by Hope Foundation.
One of the first steps Hope Foundation takes when rescuing at risk children, is to give them medical care and assess their whole health situation. After that, the children will continue to be assisted by doctors, dentists and nutritionists. In addition to the physical health, the Hope Foundation team spends time talking, counseling and loving the children, as well as introducing them to the love of Christ.
Feeding 43 (and counting) kids is not an easy task. Hope Foundation spends hundreds of dollars on food every month. In addition, they have to hire one full-time cook to be able to cook every day for all those kids.
God opened a door for Luciano and Andressa, and they were able to find a very good location for these children to live. They currently rent two houses to separate the boys from the girls.
The great majority of the children who arrived at Hope Foundation were not attending school. This is a crucial part of their ministry. Hope Foundation assures that not only the children will go to school but that they will have proper Christian education. They also check their homework, teach the children English and make sure to fulfill the education requirements of the country as well.
Most of these children were rescued from risky situations and didn't receive much love from their family. Hope Foundation not only provides to them a loving home but also provides all the attention and love they should had experienced from their family. They get a mother, a father and lots of siblings.
If you feel led to help our work in providing support and love to the Hope Foundation Children, check how you can help.
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