RCC Summer Visit
RCC has visited Hope Foundation again in Cambodia this summer.
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January 31th, 2024
January of 2024 marked the one year anniversary after these two girls joined the Hope Foundation. The younger one is named Lein and the older one is Sreymoun. Their stories are something that brings glory to God. We met the younger girl, Lein, in a village at the border of Thailand. She didn’t have a known father, and her mother wanted to give her away because she couldn’t afford to raise her. When we were there assessing her situation and understanding why her mother wanted to give her away, we noticed there was an older teenager. The older one was doing some household chores and didn’t participate much in the conversation. At the end, I asked about the older girl and who her parents were. The family we were talking to told us that her parents had left her with them when she was very young, and now she lived and worked with them. We immediately noticed that this teenage girl had a very sad expression, and we realized she wasn’t happy with that family. That’s when we talked to the family to also release the teenager to come with us to the Hope Foundation. There was a lot of resistance from the family because Sreymoun was in charge of all the household tasks. However, after much conversation and God touching their hearts, the situation changed, and both girls were released to come to Hope Foundation with us. Sreymoun was very happy to join our family, and both are very happy now as part of our family. Additionally, knowing that the family who had given us the girls was in a precarious situation, we financially help them every month.
Jesus entrusted us with two more daughters, bringing hope and healing to their lives.
Introducing Saranian, Sreyka, and Sreymeiy—three precious children who have found love and safety with us
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